Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

29th January 2010

Today we sang the song "Sway" for our assessment. At first i was pretty nervous, seeing how everyone was very confident. After Mr. Herry told us that the criteria "Expresses music in own way" can be fulfilled by several dance moves, some started to try to incorporate that in their performances. Most, however, were too shy to do so. At first I was kind of shy to dance, but after a while, I reconsidered my standing. Since my pitch and tonality aren't too good, I thought that the only way I could help raise my score was to dance. I thought that since I'm gonna be making a fool out of myself, I might as well go all the way and say "1,2,3,4" in the beginning like Michael Buble. I discussed this with my partner, Mark. At first he agreed to the 1,2,3,4 thing. But, when it was our turn, we missed the mark to say it. Instead, I danced in the intro. Although at first I felt embarrassed, it actually broke the ice and I felt much more comfortable afterwards. Because of that, I think I became calmer and thus became more confident. This gave me better tonality. I was quite surprised at my score, 8, it really exceeded my expectations. I still can't believe Andrew Sie only got 6.5 though. He was very confident, and his performance was very entertaining, and Mr. Herry even said that he improved a lot but his score was only added by 0.5

2 komentar:

  1. ...Nice reflection..however ..this week you should updated by the weekend..so you won't loose unnecessary point on meeting the deadline criteria...I will check again this coming weekend.. :)

  2. Why can't we just write all the reflections on the journal first sir? Then at the end of the year we can update everything at once. Sometimes we easily forget to update the blog
